
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Current Ebay listings for the month of March 2011

Frankie and the bunnys are OOAK {One of a kind}
My Inspiration came from my paint mare and she is very flattered,she has bragged to the chickens and the donkey in the next pasture who has a crush on her..silly girl...Each creation is sculpted with puppen fimo a polymer clay that I prefer because of the strength, Frankie has a armature throughout.
I had to pull out the magnifying goggles on these three. Each one is handpainted til they giggled..they say the paint brush tickles. The base is sculpted as well and handpainted. It was tricky taking pictures of these 3,they kept scurrying off, there curiousity was getting the best of them...I Had a moment of panic with Frankie :s, HONEY WHO SHRUNK THE HORSES!!!!and BUNNIES!!!....The base is handpainted in beautiful colors of spring and a touch of fairy dust.
You will receive a signed Certificate of Authenticity by the artist.My signature of 2 tiny horseshoes is on the base also.
My sculptures are not meant for children without supervision.
If you have any questions just email me :)

HorseFeather's KingDom
The exact Location is a Secret ssshhhhh come with me >follow the path around the barn..you'll come to a creek...follow the stepping stones..past the twin oaks and you'll come across a beautiful pink Dogwood,now you'll have to get down on your knees at this point,~~~~we'll crawl through that opening in the english ivy ,when you do~~~ you'll see a spring bubbling & splashing out of the tall grasses, to the right at the base of the Dogwood tree...now be very very careful not to be noticed...if you very quietly part the tall blades of grass,you will see a wee tiny castle and beautiful lush green gardens that surround the village...Be very careful the Mayor of HorseFeathers Kingdom has excellent vision..oh see!? there he is !!,the plump lil chipmunk with the tall black top hat and black coat with tails..very official looking isn't he? "Mayor Lord Cornelious"he is the official greeter to all that visit HorseFeather's Kingdom.
This is The season Festival of The Iddy Biddys as they start hatching out like baby chicks but rather than peep they NICKER!!!Sweet lil tiny Nickers everywhere.
All images and stories belong to the artist copyrighted under HorseFeather's Creations.Each OOAK is one of a kind never to be duplicated.
S.L.Jetton 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Ebay Tizzy and Mr.Wog ~~~ Elsie 8th GallopinGiggles & Story

GallopinGiggles series!
Elsie the 8th
HorseFeather's Kingdom
Introduces GallopinGiggles
It all started one sunny morning,the dew was still on the flowers and all the residents of HorseFeather's Kingdom were busy doing their normal morning chores or relaxing eating bagels and jelly...it was so very peaceful...King NaBumpkin was enjoying a apple turnunder on his balcony,very yummy...when out of no where the sounds of giggles came high up in the tops of the beautiful blue spruces.One by one they filled the valley,it was so contagious that King NaBumpkin started giggling,before to long ,his Queen couldn't help but giggle from the engaging sounds from the tops of the trees.In between giggles the King motioned to his gardener,who was also bent over giggling,The King said .."Albert go investigate those trees".. ,and the King broke out into giggles again..The gardener made his way through the forrest and found the tallest blue spruce he had ever seen...slowly inbetween giggles he made his way up to the very top..the breeze was gentle but he still could feel the limb sway back and forth...that really made him giggle...in amongst the limbs he spied a beautiful nest,very well made indeed...and in the nest were the most adorable babies,they looked like young foals,not IiddyBiddy's or SillyFilly's they were much to small.
He couldn't stop giggling the more he giggled the more the baby's would wiggle and giggle.
He gathered one up in his arms and she was so warm and soft and cuddly.
A crowd had gathered at the bottom of the grand spruce,everyone giggling and holding their tummys from the giggles..."bring her down!" yelled one of the village bakers,"they must be hungry"...gradually the gardener descended down towards the bottom with his shirt bulging out,filled with the delightful mysterious creatures...everyone greeted them and hugged and held them.
When they felt such happiness in holding and cuddling washed over them,what a wonderful feeling.
The King named them the GallopinGiggles and had special cradles made up for each one...the gardener could have swore he only gathered 3,but looking into the crowd of giggling faces he counted 20 sweet faces of GallopinGiggles.....scratching his head,he placed each sweet Giggle in his crib of sweet hay,they fell to sleep very easily.
He placed name tags as all the villagers helped give each one a name...The gardener name the first one he held RaspBerry,she looked up and gave him a nicker and smile and fell fast to sleep,Then the baker placed the 2nd lil GallopinGiggles in his cradle and named him BoogieBlu for his blue mane and tail and cute freakles.Then the local shopkeeper placed her little bundle in the crib of straw and decided she was the color of Ginger and Rose and thus named her GingerRose.Then King's Royal pie maker held in her arms her bundle ,a unicorn GallopinGiggle and she gave her a beautiful name Zetta and tucked inside Zetta's blanket was her very special friend Taffy,they looked after eachother and the pie maker gently laid her bundle in the soft straw crib after a soft kiss on Zetta's velvety nose....Around the corner the dressmaker made her way towards the row of GallopinGiggle's cribs,she was dressed in a elegant yellow dress and topped off apon her beautiful red hair a bonnet that she wore with pride,Flowers trimmed the brim and the bonnet seem to take on a life of it's own,as it started wiggling and jumping about..the dressmaker tried hard to keep it from falling off her head...when to everyone's surprise a cute pink nose peeked out...The dressmaker said"I have another bundle for you" as she giggled trying to arrange her bonnet,she turned it upside down and Lizzy gave a sweet nicker..Elliot held on tight,as they placed the bonnet in the awaiting crib.Everyone giggled at the sweet pair...everyone seemed to drift off to sleep peacefully,but soon a happy sound came drifting in from the cobblestone path leading from the woods,a jolly roundface fellow with a bright red flannel shirt holding a bundle in one arm and a axe in the other..quite intimidating had it not been for the happy song he was singing as he trod along towards the door of the nursery.Up popped Meg's head as she looked at the rows of straw filled cribs..the woodcutter placed Meg in a crib to his liking..patted Meg's smiling head,she was so excited to see all her brothers and sisters..I do believe the GallopinGiggles found a welcomed home among all the happy residents of HorseFeather's Kingdom...all the giggling had put a huge smile on everyones face....it was indeed a very interesting day for all.Who couldn't use a giggle these days,right?
Guess What?? Yep another GallopinGiggles has come to join us...And her name is Elsie.
While the gardener was gathering as many GallopinGiggles as he could manage..Elsie climbed up a limb looking back and giggling she is very adventurous and full of spunk. She climbs to the very top of the big blue spruce and started to sway back and forth and the farther she swayed almost to King NanBumpkin's Balcony..and she just giggled all the more. King NanBumpkin caught sight of this tiny bundle of white with gold wings and blue freakles and giggling and pointing he shouted for Albert the Royal Gardner "ALBERRRTTT!"yelled the King.
Elsie waved to the King playfully and swung to the other side weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! and Albert caught sight of the tiny little filly...Albert was working in the garden and was holding a big basket. Albert started running frantically back and forth.. to catch Elsie and then he joined Elsie in her giggles...all of a sudden as the top of the blue spruce swung back towards the gardner she leap and her wings fluttered and she drifted right into Albert's basket...she hugged Albert and they both giggled,also with relief that Elsie was safe.
Another GallopinGiggles joins us at HorseFeather's Kingdom.
Elsie the 8th GallopinGiggles
One by one more GallopinGiggles join there brothers and sisters...
story was written by S.L.Jetton

Friday, January 7, 2011


My first sculpture for 2011
OOAK Morte'
WoodLand Fairy Sprite
and his baby Dragon Talun

created by Sheri L.Jetton
just 1 day left on my auction..

Morte is a Woodland Fairy Sprite. Talun is his little baby dragon he adopted, Talun lost his mother unfortunately.Morte' is trying very hard to taking care for Talun.It is his responcibility to take the place as his caretaker as to all the creatures and the woodlands.
Morte' is signing with his right hand " I love you"..That is really what life is all about Don't you think?
Morte' has a favorite place The swinging bridge and he is teaching Talun how too fly...he's doing very well...Talun's favorite thing to do is to glide low to the blue green water under the bridge and he see's his reflection in the water as clear as a mirror's reflection.
Morte' is a One of a kind as is Talun, each began as a idea in my head and start out as armatures and then handsculpted with puppen fimo my preference of polymer clays.As I apply the clay I just discover new things and let the clay decide.....
Each are handpainted with several different mediums very detailed down to the scales on Talun and Morte' wings,{the wings are not real butterfly wings} which are painted & decorated with many types of dried flowers,fairy dust,various colors of faux moss, and then sealed.
Morte' has dark soulful black eyes with a glint of gold specks and a glint of his playful self as he sticks out his tongue..Talun's eyes twinkle blue.
,also he has two tiny gold horns right above each ear and on his bridge of snout another gold horn,he's very detailed for his 1 1/8 inch in length under 1 inch tall
Talun sits happily perched on Morte's left hand. Morte' always has fascinating stories to tell.
The complete sculpture is affixed too a beautiful wood Red Cedar base, I cut all my own bases and sand and seal them twice.
Morte' is just 4 1/4 inches tall with Red Cedar base.
I really enjoy creating dragons,this is a different piece for me,but I sometimes just let the clay lead me..the polymer base has my horse shoes trademark and circle C copyright.
Like Talun I'll be spreading my wings with my sculptured creations.
With Morte'& Talun a Certificate of Authenticity comes with.
All of my creations are True OOAKs { one of a kind } no molds are used in any part of the process, and when you receive one of my Sculptures you can see all the tiny details just not visible with camera at this tiny size.
I stand behind my work.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask ..Check out my Me Page for more of my creations.Thank you very much for taking the time to visit my Morte' & Talun.
With the idea that of course, my creations are not meant for children to play with, but... I pictured that at night Parents could read the stories that go with my sculptures with their children, maybe bringing the Sculpture in and setting it on the night stand while sharing the story or making up a new story :@). Childrens imaginations are so vivid and wonderful....I remember as a child my very favorite times were out in the back yard on my Grandparents farm...and my Grandfather always had a telescope focused on the moon and stars out by the tall oak...And with a little help from my grandfather.... I believed the moon spoke to me..{ grandpaws are fun } as funny as it may sound to adults...It was *MAGICAL* too me...I remember believeing in those moments that the Big Moon was actually talking to me...""Imagination of a child""....and fortunately I've managed too keep it. I think the secret is..." remember the child inside of each of us and Play-Play...never forget to play..."

About The Artist

My photo
Ozarks, Arkansas, United States

Jacquie Lawson/OutStanding Artist/my favorite card gifter

Jacquie Lawson e-cards

Card of the month by Jacquie Lawson

Jacquie Lawson e-cards

DeepBlue Sea and Matilda Bee/SOLD

DeepBlue Sea and Matilda Bee/SOLD
DeepBlue Sea and Matilda Bee/polymer

oops can't forget BUBBLES

oops can't forget BUBBLES
Polymer clay

DeepBlue Sea and Matilda Bee

DeepBlue Sea and Matilda Bee
polymer clay headed for Ebay

Dragon Den

The Wolf and Raven SOLD has the most wonderful home!

The Wolf and Raven SOLD has the most wonderful home!

Athena and Arlis on Ebay SOLD Heading to there new home

Athena and Arlis on Ebay SOLD Heading to there new home
sweet lil Unicorn and lil gray field mouse and friendship


HorseFeather's Creations

HorseFeather's ittybitty Nursery

HorseFeather's ittybitty Nursery

HorseFeather's ittybitty Nursery

HorseFeather's ittybitty Nursery





Buck Fever

Buck Fever
Acrylic on plow point

Navajo Princess

Navajo Princess